Monday, December 12, 2011


We've talked quite a lot about Holden and have delved into his mind to further understand him. We know that he doesn't like phonies and appreciates things that are more real, like the books by his brother D.B, before he went into Hollywood. He holds a deep resentment for the movies, they make a person believe  He blames society for this at times, giving too much credit to those that they believe are good, the person doesn't understand when they're good or not like Ernie or the people in the play.

Holden is very lonesome and in a difficult time of his life, when he gets off the train he's at a loss for who to call. It seems that no one's there for him and in a difficult time for him too, he's constantly thinking about suicide and is depressed.

Holden sees himself as a protector of that which is corrupt, he protects the people he's placed up in his pedestal and tries to preserve them. When he's at the museum, he thinks to himself that some things should stay like the things behind the glass windows, unchanged. For this reason, I think he gets really 'peculiar' when Sunny says "like fun you are," I feel that he's reminded of innocence and going through with it would be corrupting the very innocence he stands for. The very same things happen when Stradlater goes out with Jane, he gets angry and nervous for Jane and feels it his duty to protect her. I also think this is why Allie's important to him, Allie's death caused him to be unchanged by society, they didn't get to ridicule him for his baseball mitt with the poems and so he was preserved in Holden's mind.

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