Saturday, October 29, 2011

To Bukowski,

Your accounts of what human nature will drive us to do are chilling yet in our times, nearly 40 years laters, easy to relate to. People today live in fear that our destructive nature will lead to some nuke war that the human race will be unable to rebuild from.
You mention a world in so much debt that future generations will suffer and be unable to recover from and the way our government is handling our money, I see this as a possibility. Corrupt people find ways to get a lot of money, by embezzlement or fraud, and leave the poor suffering and very bad off.
In the line, "Radiated robot men will stalk each other,"I see this as a warning to how technology will change us to the point were we lose our humanity. Other people will say this is ridiculous, but technology has been moving at an incredibly alarming rate and at some point people will see it fit to transplant their technology into them to be more productive or efficient. Of course, the prospects for more revenue don't let us slow down and this ties into how human nature (greed) will bring our demise.

Sincerely, Derian E. Avalos

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